lunedì 8 aprile 2019

Nulla di ciò che vedi, esiste come lo vedi

Today, I'm inviting you to look at this very ordinary images of Verona.
I've used a "mirror tool".
That means that what you see here, does not look the way you see it in this images.

sabato 6 aprile 2019

Life is the journey and every journey has some waiting time.
Waking time.
I'm waiting, now.
I'm waking, now.
Waiting for the person, who will rent my apartment.
 Waiting to go.Empty empty.

It feels empty Verona,now.
 I feel empty, more empty, now.
There is joy, there is fear.
I sleep little, walk a lot, work long hours
 to prepare. Prepare.
There is no destination, no goal, no ambition. Much love.
For  freedom. Discovery.
 In between two thoughts,
 Empty spaces that have
 no words. New worlds, new sounds, new
Meanders of a river that goes
nowhere. Empty, empty, empty of words, empty of sounds, empty of
There are almost no words
 in my universe and
 it's hard to tell,
this silence.
A new house full of hope, of dreams, desires, sorrows no sorrows.

Kindle the candle,
rekindle the joke
 that brought you here. It will take you home.
No hope no hope no hope. End of personal self. Silence.

giovedì 4 aprile 2019

On a sunny sunday of April I took an Interregionale and travelled alone to Venezia where I wandered and got lost in some less frequented areas, until I somehow reached Piazza San Marco.
This images are a partial recollection of my day.
I love Venezia, totally and unconditionally and I had a very blissful, happy and ecstatic day, really.
I enjoyed wandering slowly and and letting the magic of this town create an enchanting path for me.
I'm a silent seer, an open eye meditator. I don't question what I see. I just let myself  be captured by the images.
Since I discovered a passion for taking pictures with my mobilephone, during my recent journey in India, this has added a shared dimension to my mostly solitary wanderings.
As a painter, I've been a prolific storyteller. And with my spontaneous reportages I aim to invite  you to be my travel friend.

sabato 30 marzo 2019

I created this  blog to share images and stories from my life journey.
I've come back from India two weeks ago and I'm setting off again in two weeks. So I'm exactly in between two dimensions.

The starting point of a story is a merely conventional act.

L'nizio di un racconto è un atto puramente arbitrario, innocuo ma gravido di conseguenze.

That's way great writers are easily recognized by their incipits.

Per questo i grandi scrittori si riconoscono dagli incipit.
Il mio racconto non inizia, finisce.
Finisce a Rishikesh il 10 marzo, dopo 100 giorni trascorsi nell'India del Nord e in Nepal.
Però poi riparte.
Questa è la vita? Allora un'altra volta!

Il mio sentiero comincia da qui: casa mia a Verona, i miei quadri, un viaggio immaginario che attende di diventare un viaggio reale.