sabato 6 aprile 2019

Life is the journey and every journey has some waiting time.
Waking time.
I'm waiting, now.
I'm waking, now.
Waiting for the person, who will rent my apartment.
 Waiting to go.Empty empty.

It feels empty Verona,now.
 I feel empty, more empty, now.
There is joy, there is fear.
I sleep little, walk a lot, work long hours
 to prepare. Prepare.
There is no destination, no goal, no ambition. Much love.
For  freedom. Discovery.
 In between two thoughts,
 Empty spaces that have
 no words. New worlds, new sounds, new
Meanders of a river that goes
nowhere. Empty, empty, empty of words, empty of sounds, empty of
There are almost no words
 in my universe and
 it's hard to tell,
this silence.
A new house full of hope, of dreams, desires, sorrows no sorrows.

Kindle the candle,
rekindle the joke
 that brought you here. It will take you home.
No hope no hope no hope. End of personal self. Silence.

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